Weekly & Other Activities
This November Calendar features community wellness events offered this month by Hospital. For a complete guide of community health
education classes, support groups and wellness resources, please call
Community Health Education .
A-OK (Affirming Our Kids)
This new program, developed specifically for overweight young people
aged 9-12, encourages physical activity and healthy lifestyle choices.
It is not intended to be a weight-loss program - the goal is happy,
healthier children. If a child you know is experiencing health or social
difficulties surrounding weight issues, this program can help. The
program runs from October 31 to November 30 (no meetings Thanksgiving
week). Young people meet on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 6-8 pm and
Saturdays from 10 am-noon at the Allison Jukebox Community Center. A-OK
is co-sponsored by Hospital, Parks and
Recreation, and the YMCA, and includes recreation, health and nutrition
education, a sharing and caring support group, social skill education
and parent education. Fee:
$68, scholarships available
Teen Options
This fall Hospital is again offering Teen Options, a
pregnancy prevention program for students at Batchelor, Tri-North, and
Jackson Creek Middle Schools. Students who choose to participate meet
weekly to discuss issues including self-esteem, peer pressure and
consequences of being sexually active. Students learn refusal,
negotiation and communication skills to help them make responsible
HIV/AIDS Education with
Interactive Theatre
In support of World AIDS Day on December 1, Hospital
will be sponsoring What If... InterAction Theater performances
for the Monroe County School Corporation and Richland Bean
Blossom School Corporation 8th & 10th grade classes during the
week of November 27-December 1. Interactive theater creates a safe
arena for students to participate in difficult yet thoughtful
discussions about HIV/AIDS. Presentations consist of two to three short
scenes that involve direct audience participation.
Stroke Screening
Receive a stroke screening for three of the risk factors for stroke:
diabetes, high blood pressure and atrial fibrillation (irregular heart-
beat) November 1 from 7:30-9:30 am at the Banneker Center, W.
Seventh Street. For accurate results for the blood sugar check, 12-hour
fasting is required.
Atrial Fibrillation Screening & Brown Bag Lunch Chat
Atrial fibrillation (irregular heartbeat) is a risk factor for stroke
and is not always detected during routine physician visits.
Receive a screening for atrial fibrillation November 2 from 7:30-10:00
am at the Monroe County YMCA, conference room. At 12:15 pm hear
Hospital volunteer and stroke victor, Lois Saxton, discuss
stroke at a brown bag lunch chat in the YMCA conference room. Lois
speaks from personal experience and shares her unique insight into the
third leading cause of death and the leading cause of adult disability -
No registration required for the screening or
the brown bag lunch chat.
Alzheimer's Resource Center
Care Circle Open House Kick-Off
Here's to you, family caregivers! In honor of National Alzheimer's
Disease Month and National Family Caregiver's Month,
Hospital's Alzheimer's Resource Center is inaugurating a weekly
information, education and support group for caregivers of people with
Alzheimer's disease or a related dementia. Care Circle will meet on
Thursdays at the Alzheimer's Resource Center, 619 W. First Street,
between 3:30 and 5:30 pm. Caregivers are welcome to come and go as they
need to accommodate their schedules and responsibilities. Caregivers
sometimes ask if they can bring their loved one with them when they come
to the group because it is not safe to leave him or her alone at home.
It is best for caregivers to be able to freely express themselves within
the group without worrying about the effect on their loved one, but if a
caregiver feels the desire to attend the group and has no respite care,
the caregiver may bring his or her loved one along. Care Circle will
kick off with an open house at the Alzheimer's Resource Center November
2, 3:30-5:30 p.m., including refreshments and door prizes for all!
Blood Pressure Screening
Get your blood pressure and blood sugar checked. The blood sugar
screening requires a 12-hour fast for accurate results. Fee: Free
Plus+Card: By appointment only
November 8 from 7:30-9:30 am at Meadowood Retirement Community for
Plus+Card holders.
November 15 from 7:30-9:30 am Walking Hours at Simon
College Mall Commons Area in front of Lazarus.
No appointment necessary.
Drop-in Tai Chi Class
Try Tai Chi, a sequence of exercise movements and stances designed to
increase flexibility, balance, and strength, every Thursday from
8:30-9:30 am at Simon College Mall in front of L.S. Ayres. Register the
day of class. Fee: Free
Walking Program and Blood
Pressure Check
Join the Mall Pacers and walk for exercise at Simon College Mall every
Monday-Saturday, 7:30-10:00 am. Get your blood pressure checked at the
Fit Stop in front of Lazarus every Wednesday, 7:30-9:30 am. Register
for the Mall Pacers program and receive your ID badge at the College
Mall Management Office M-F, 9 am-5 pm or the Mallperks counter located
in the center court from 10 am-9 pm. Fee: Free
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November 3
"Friday Zone" Spotlights
Diabetes Education
November is American Diabetes Month. Although diabetes is a
lifelong disease, with education people can learn how to control it from
day to day. Taking steps to manage diabetes can prevent or reduce the
risk of long-term complications. Learn how one local child handles
his/her diabetes on WTIU's "Friday Zone" television program on
November 3 from 4-5 pm. Hospital diabetes educator Kenda
Jochim will also appear on the program.
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November 4
CPR Mass Community Training
If you, a co-worker, or a loved one collapsed, would anyone
be near to administer CPR until medical assistance arrived. Or
would precious moments be lost because no one knew what to do?
The more people in Monroe County and surrounding areas that know CPR,
the better the chain for survival is for all our residents. That's why
Hospital, the American Heart Association, the American Red
Cross, United Way and AM1370 WGCL Radio are teaming up to offer a free
mass CPR training course for everyone in our community, aged 14 and up,
November 4 at the University Field House. You may attend one of
two sessions: 9 am-noon or 1-4 pm. After the course completion,
participants will receive an adult CPR completion certificate. This
certificate may be turned into either Monroe County American Red Cross
or Hospital's American Heart Association program to receive
an Adult course completion card.
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November 8
The Impact of Alzheimer's Disease
Alzheimer's disease is a fatal and incurable illness that impairs
memory, judgement and the ability to function independently. It
will affect nearly 14 million Americans by 2050, and many of those
affected will be cared for by family and will live as long as 10 or 15
years after being diagnosed. Learn about Alzheimer's disease, including
symptoms, diagnostic procedures, care strategies, and helpful resources
in this informative presentation offered by Jody Curley, Alzheimer's
educator from Hospital Alzheimer's Resource Center November
8 from 10-11 am in Hospital's Wegmiller Auditorium. Fee:
Return to the Top
November 9 & 10
Knockout Flu & Pneumonia
If you haven't received a flu or pneumonia vaccine yet, it's not
too late. Vaccines will be offered to the community November 9
from 9:30 am-noon at the American Red Cross and November 10 from 9:00
am-noon at the Monroe County YMCA. No appointment necessary.Fee: $10 for flu vaccine and $20 for
pneumonia vaccine. We will bill your Medicare Part B and Medicaid. Have
your insurance cards with you.
November 10
Alzheimer's Med Check
The pharmacist is in...to review medicines and discuss
medication issues with caregivers who manage prescription
and over the counter medications for their loved ones with
Alzheimer's or a related dementia. Caregivers are invited to make
an appointment for a 30-minute consultation with a Hospital
pharmacist Nov-ember 10 from 1:30-5:00 pm at the Alzheimer's Resource
Center, 619 W. First Street. Bring a list of your loved one's
medications or the medicines in the labeled containers. If you need to
bring your loved one with you to the appointment and would like to
consult in privacy with the pharmacist, respite care for your loved one
will be provided during your appointment time. Please indicate
if you need respite care at the Alzheimer's Resource Center during your
appointment. Fee: Free
November 14
Living Will Consultation
Death and dying, once-taboo subjects, are becoming
increasingly relevant for Baby Boomers and their aging
parents. Experts agree that the time to discuss your views about
end-of-life care, and to learn about the end-of-life options available,
is before a life-threatening illness occurs or a crisis hits. By
preparing in advance, you can avoid some of the uncertainty and anxiety
associated with not knowing what our loved ones want. Instead, you can
make an educated decision that includes the advice and input of loved
ones. A few simple steps you can take to ensure that your end-of-life
wishes are followed, when the need arises, are by drawing up a living
will of written instructions to make known what you want done, if for
example, you are seriously ill and the only way you can be kept alive is
by artificial means. The other is by having a durable power of attorney
in place that authorizes a person of your choosing (usually a spouse or
close relative) to make decisions if you become unable to do so for
yourself. Because every state has different laws, it is in your best
interest to consult an expert about these documents.
Hospice of Hospital is offering a new program the second
Tuesday of every month where you can consult with a Hospice professional
to discuss living wills and durable power of attorney. You will receive
a copy of the documents at your consultation. Thirty-minute appointments
are available November 14 from 2-4 pm.
Hearing Screening in Owen County
November 15
Memory Screening
It is common for people to notice normal memory changes
as they age (hence the term "senior moment") and to wonder
whether something is wrong. While it is always wise to bring such
questions to your healthcare provider, it is also possible to briefly
screen for the possibility of abnormal memory loss that would then
require further medical evaluation. Brief memory screenings are
offered by the Alzheimer's educator from Hospital's new
Alzheimer's Resource Center on a drop-in basis November 15 from
7:30-9:30 at the Community Well Check at Simon College Mall during
walking hours. Memory screening is also offered by appointment only on
Friday, November 17 from 12-5 pm at the Alzheimer's Resource Center, 619
W. First Street.
Presidential Arrhythmias:
What You Need to Know About
Atrial Fibrillation "Arrhythmias" are not new but this medical
condition is in the news today due to some famous people
who have the condition including former U.S. president George Bush and
former Pacers coach Larry Bird. Find out more about atrial fibrillation
(irregular heartbeat) and electrophysiology, a new diagnostic
subspecialty of cardiology now available for the first time at
Hospital, at this community presentation November 15 from
5-6 pm at Hospital Wegmiller Auditorium. The speaker will be
John Strobel, MD, first electrophysiology cardiologist. No
registration required. Fee: Free
November 16
Hearing Screening
Hearing screenings are available to Hospital
Plus+Card holders November 16 from 1:30-3:30 pm in
the Community Health Education office, 619 W. First Street.
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November 17
Memory Screening
It is common for people to notice normal memory changes
as they age (hence the term "senior moment") and to wonder
whether something is wrong. While it is always wise to bring such
questions to your healthcare provider, it is also possible to briefly
screen for the possibility of abnormal memory loss that would then
require further medical evaluation. Brief memory screenings are
offered by the Alzheimer's educator from Hospital's new
Alzheimer's Resource Center on a drop-in basis November 15 from
7:30-9:30 at the Community Well Check at Simon College Mall during
walking hours. Memory screening is also offered by appointment only on
Friday, November 17 from 12-5 pm at the Alzheimer's Resource Center, 619
W. First Street.
Great American Smokeout
Hospital tobacco educators have been busy
talking with local 3rd and 4th grade students about the
dangers of tobacco. The students have been busy creating anti-tobacco
posters for a billboard ad contest. Look for the three winning
billboards in our community during the month of November to support the
American Cancer Society's Great American Smokeout. Check out WTIU's
"Friday Zone" television show on November 17 from 4-5 pm for a special
segment featuring the tobacco poster contest winners.
November 20 & 21
Mammograms for Plus+Card Holders
Hospital Plus+Card holders will receive
a $5 discount on a screening mammogram through the
Mobile Mammography Service for Women November 20
at Meadowood Retirement Community, Meadowood
Circle Drive from 8:15 am-2:00 pm, and November 21 on the
Hospital campus at 717 W. First Street, from 8:15 am-2:00 pm. Each
appointment lasts approximately 15 minutes. Fee: with $5 Plus+Card discount the price is $60
for those with Medicare who have not had a mammogram in the last 12
months (the Mobile Mammography Service will file Medicare claims so
please bring your Medicare Card), $80 without Medicare.
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